A forest of trees The new
links page in our trees chapter now offers five varieties. Check the Family
Tree Maker link, where you will find all new stuff after the shortened introduction.
A "progenitors" group of photos there with fresh captions is meant to
provide a concise "course" in Usher's branch. Shlomo's Day is the latest addition in the Farberman section
(page one, table of contents). It's a quick-loading, fast-scrolling
photo feature of his 1998 bar mitzvah in the Vien hasidic tradition, with photos
by the acknowledged best in all of Borough Park, Brooklyn.
'Permissions' for all: Everyone who is a member of CousinsPlus
has permissions on our web site at MyFamily.com. You can
put up your family news.
Our MyFamily.com cover
photo? Your choice! You can put up your family photos, your reviews on
the last movie you saw or some new software you like, and recipes you want to share.
My Weight Watchers' custard straight from founder Jean Nidetch is meant to kick off
our CousinsPlus recipe trove.
Make your own favorite magical
family photo our cover for a while at MyFamily.com. |
Adjust your 'user preferences' on
MyFamily.com before you get annoyed. For example, you can
"adjust" to never receive an E-mail notification of anything. (Or, you
could choose an alert only before Jewish holidays.) You can delete yourself, or
you can ask me to delete you. I am a privacy nut and am satisfied MyFamily.com
is OK. It's so very private and secure that you need an invitation. I've
invited 40 of our most gung-ho cousins. Everyone else is invited, too; just E-mail
Listen up: We have a cousin with a friend who is arranging to make us
proper audio clips from a cassette of messages put on LPs over 60 years ago. These
sound 'letters' were sent by family members to loved ones afar. Details when they're
It's up to you now ... Jump-starting CousinsPlus on MyFamily.com was my
brother's idea, like most of our most daring innovations. Whatever I put there
is just to pave the way. It's so user friendly that it's a no-brainer to type
in your news or put up your photos. After six days of exploration
and setup, on the seventh day ... I'm done. Now, cousins, it's
up to you. |