'fabulous house' on Drexel Ave. was home to eleven Uberstines
Lois Lavine lived there with "Grandma, Grandpa,
Aunts Mary, Libby, Alice, and Florence, and Uncle Lou," and her mother, Dorothy, and
father, Philip Sless, and her twin sister, Marilyn.
Ida's oldest son, Sam, visits
'Uncle' Harris on honeymoon;
Bride Betty keeps detailed journal
"...that night [March 19, 1935], we had Purim supper with the
Uberstines," wrote Betty Friedman Farberman, who had married Sam Farberman two days
earlier. " What a wonderful family.

Above: Betty Friedman Faberman and
Sam Faberman on April 2, 1935, at
The Garden of the Gods in Colorado.
"Uncle is a dear old
man. [Etta had passed away almost five months earlier.] "Alice
and Florence are both very sweet girls. Dorothy and Phil and
their twins [Marilyn and Lois] are such a lovely family.
"After supper, Lou, Alice and Florence drove us to Max's
[drug] store [in the neighborhood, not far from the house], and then brought us back to
our hotel. The next morning Lou and Alice took us riding. Cleveland is
such a beautiful city and kept so clean.
"We rode through Shaker Heights and then back to their
home. We had a Chinese dinner that Dorothy had made; it was delicious.

10601 Drexel Avenue: The home of the Uberstine family until
"Later on in the evening, Max and his
wife [Sarah] came, and so did Minnie, another sister.
They took us back to the hotel..." In the morning, the honey-
mooners set off on the next leg of their journey. Ahead of them was one of the
1930's most famous dust storms.

Above: The Fabermans explored Colorado, here, on the
shore of Boulder Canyon lake.
In her diary of their honeymoon,
Betty wrote about a terrible dust storm they endured from Salina, Kansas, into Denver.
At the end of their journey, they had a most welcome surprise: room service
awaited them, courtesy of Sam's middle brother, Max Faberman. He
was the manager of The West Hotel on California Street in downtown
Denver, an old-west style hotel with a balcony right out of a movie
western. |