A preview of us Uberstines of Gorodok, Vileika District, Belarus |
The descendants of Usher Uberstine, left, and his brother, Lazar Elia,
have been the focus of this web page, lacking what we wish we had of their
history. Since 1997, new material has come to light. Lazar's children and some of their spouses were from
the Gorodok between Radoshkovici
and Volozhin, in the Vileika
District. Many of their spouses were from Volozhin. Usher's children
also appear to have been
from there as well. See our new table,
Who came from where? We have a new section with stills captured by digital photo from videotapes of that Gorodok. The original footage was clearly shot long ago with handheld cameras, so the stills cannot be improved beyond a certain point. We saw a sign in mirror image that turned out to say "UBERSZTEJN." Click here for the first third of Shtetl Talk. A database on the Jewish genealogy web site shows 1912 marriages in Minsk. You can see that on March 6, 1912, Mordukh Ubershtein's daughter, Genia Ubershtein, age 21, married Iosel Tieb, age 24. Mordukh and Genia Ubershtein were from Gorodok. Not Ostroshitskiy Gorodok (prefix assumed in 1886), not Semkov-Gorodok, not David-Gorodok. Just Gorodok, and that's the one that's ours. http://www.jewishgen.org/belarus/minsk_1912_marriages.htm. |
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Contact: Michael-David@BenDor.org |