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Norma Rogers has played the piccolo and flute in the Nashville Symphony Orchestra since 1972.   

Left, Norma's official portrait on a background of Mozart's Concerto for Flute and Orchestra in G Major.  The concerto is one of 15 pieces she prepared for her orchestra audition.

An extensive profile of Norma, focusing on her life as a musician, is linked from the table of contents in the Rubensteins and Rogers section of the Uberstine history page.

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The first formal reunion of the  grandchildren of Morris Rubenstein was orchestrated by Robin Rubenstein Poer and took place in Ashville, North Carolina, in 1997.  

Many of Morris' great-grandchildren attended, including Norma and Bruce's son, Alex. 

See story, Reunion ' 97, linked from the table of contents in the Rubenstein and Rogers section.  




And the dance continues...       



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