Phone (212) 222-3187


Susan M. Rogers

Special skills


Other qualities

Life-long journalist, educator, writer, family historian, web page designer 

Networker-artist-poet  / fructification celebrationist 

Professional experience

Reporter, columnist, feature writer, editor
The New York Post, Women’s Wear Daily, The Amsterdam News, and freelanced at various magazines and weeklies
1967 – 1986

Web page content creation and execution

CousinsPlus, Family History Web Page Design Center, NY, NY

Editor-in-chief and webmaster, 1997-present


1.                   Researched and wrote features and history, profiled deceased and living achievers, and created anecdotal photo albums;

2.                   Obtained and transformed for web viewing illustrative photos, both historical and contemporary;

3.                   Conceptualized, wrote, produced and distributed by E-mail a newsletter with photos.  Created a web archive of the CousinsPlus Gazette linked from the CousinsPlus home page;

4.                   Facilitated intra-family communications within the widely scattered 1,375-member family, resulting in enthusiastic participation, especially among the elderly (via telephone and postal mail) and the web-literate, through E-mail and the family web page.

NYC Public Schools, pre-K through 8, as a substitute teacher; K and 1st grade “language arts cluster;” 2nd and 4th grades, classroom teacher,  New York City  Board of Education, Manhattan, Brooklyn, and the Bronx, 1987-1992.  Permanent certification by The State Education Department.


--  Created “newspaper” based on interviews of kindergarten and first graders in Brooklyn school with largely Hispanic population;

--  Wrote “books” based on field trips (13 for the year) with a class of 4th graders;

--  Excelled as a substitute teacher city-wide in the teaching of creative writing, utilizing the “writing process” devised by Lucy Caulkins at Columbia Teachers College. 



Harvard-Radcliffe, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Bachelor of Arts, History; 
Harvard Crimson (daily newspaper); Seven College Conference Scholar.
Proficient in Microsoft FrontPage, HTML, Adobe PhotoShop, and quick to master whatever it takes to get the job done.


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